DISEC – Disarmament and International Security Committee
- Ensuring the Security and Sustainability of Outer Space Activities
- Eradicating the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation
SPECPOL – The Special Political and Decolonization Committee
- Recognition of the Current Situation in Afghanistan and Tackling Its Effects In the Scope of Human Rights and International Laws
- Effects of Online Voting on Post-Election Processes and Ensuring Peaceful Transfer of Power
UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- The Issue of Illegal Substance Production in Afghanistan.
- Combatting Illegal Immigration and the Threats It Poses to Developing Countries as Part of Increased Crime Rates Related to Discrimination
OHCHR – The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Protection Against Persecution and Deprivation of Rights Based on Gender Identity and Preventing Any Future-Risk That Can Occur in the Scope of Human Rights
- The Issue of Famine and Thirst In Sudan and Overcoming the Difficulty of Access to Food and Water
- Adopting An Integrated Approach to Preserve Biosecurity and Reducing the Risk of Disease Transmission
- Patents, Paradigm Shifts and Progress In Biomedical Science
- Establishing Ways to Make Post-Covid Waste Management as Less Harmful To Environment As Possible and International Cooperation In This Regard
ECOSOC – Economic and Social Council
- Establishing Methods to Regulate Crypto-Currency
- Evaluation of the Efficiency of Aids and Fundings Provided by Developed Countries to Developing Countries During the Pandemic and Observing Their Conclusions in the Post-Pandemic Stage.